Posted on July 13, 2011
IE7… time to say goodbye
WordPress 3.2 was released July 4th 2011 and officially marked the end of WordPress support for IE6. Hooray! Now the crosshairs have landed on IE7 with WP 3.3 looking to cut support for Internet Explorer 7. To put things in perspective, IE6 was released when I was 11… and we’re finally starting to drop support for it. Luckily we’ve been upgrading the SU computer labs to Windows 7. Last summer they were still all running Windows XP, also released when I was 11…
I think its fair to assume that when the University stops supporting Windows XP we can stop worrying about it. See the thing is… wait for it… IE7 can’t run on Windows 7! Internet Explorer 7 makes up 7% of web browsers usage. Come August 1st 2011 Google will officially stop supporting IE7. The death of IE7 might come sooner then you think!
2001? I was 2 when IE6 and Windows XP were released…
That says something…
Ubuntu 12.10 FTW :D